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What's the difference between math-tracking-category-error and math-tracking-category-render-error
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They both have the exact same content. I feel like these should be merged or at least not have duplicite content (and meaning)?

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Math_errors - errors caused by a syntax error in the expression.

Render_errors - tempory errors caused by problems in the rendering process. For instance a tempory drop in connection to a database. These will generally clear themselves after a time as the automatic systems re-rended pages. Often when look at an article in this category but not in the Math_error you cannot even see an error on the page. They can often be cleared using null-edit or a purge.

Render_errors are a super-set of math errors, so if you have a genuine syntax error then it will appear in both categories.

On the English wikipedia we have three categories (Just articles in the Main namespace, & templates) (all other pages, not considered part of the main encylopedia) (Render Errors)

Which place they get put in is determined by

SalixAlba claimed this task.

Hope the above explanation sufices.