When an event includes no "New editors" the "7 day retention" figure currently shows as 0 in the Event Summary reports. Please change that so that it shows an em dasy, —, to indicate that that metric is not applicable
Also, when there are New Editors, please express the 7 day retention figure as a % of the New Editors, instead of as a number. (This was in the spec but was missed when the Event Summary reports were built.)
(For testing purposes here is an event with no new editors. )
Definitions of relevant metrics metrics
- New editors a count of new accounts created, including users who registered up to 14 days before the event (on any wiki). [method fully defined in T208546] I
- 7 day retention The % of New Editors (see definition above) who make at least one edit, in any Wikimedia project (in any namespace), between 7 days after the event and the time that the report is run. (Method defined in T214102.)
Reports this figure appears in
"7 day retention" appears only in the CSV (T205561 ) and onscreen (T216447 ) versions of the Event Summary report. (It does not appear in the wikitext version.)
Why we're doing this
As in the definitions above, "7 day retention" is the % of New Editors who are retained. So if no New Editors participated in the event, then the figure is not applicable. Organizers are sensitive to the idea that their retention figures are low, so when retention is really not an applicable idea, we should not show a score of 0.