As shown below:
When the mouse move to the ICON position, the text is not automatically converted to Traditional Chinese at this time (users use it in the Traditional Chinese interface)
We tried to modify it in Template:Pagebanner and MediaWiki:Common.js, but it was not successful enough to automatically convert it into Traditional or Simplified Chinese.
For the part of Banner, our Chinese wikivoyage has been modify one after another. At present, only the part of ICON has not been modify successful. can help Chinese Wikivoyage?
Problem code(Template:Pagebanner):
| {{#if: {{{unesco|}}} | icon-unesco=联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录 }} | {{#if: {{{star|}}} | icon-star=明星条目 }} | {{#if: {{{otbp|}}} | icon-otbp=昔日曲径通幽 }} | {{#if: {{{dotm|}}} | icon-dotm=昔日每月目的地 }} | {{#if: {{{ftt|}}} | icon-ftt=昔日特色旅行话题 }}
Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese:
联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录 <=> 聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄
明星条目 <=> 明星條目
昔日曲径通幽 <=> 昔日曲徑通幽
昔日每月目的地 <=> 昔日每月目的地
昔日特色旅行话题 <=> 昔日特色旅行話題
Test source website:
九寨沟 -九寨沟
哈尔滨 -哈尔滨
高雄 -高雄
護照 -护照