Given I have checked the "I accept these terms for my future edits" option in the CC0 License popup
And I am editing Termbox contents
When I click publish
Then I am not presented with the "I accept these terms for my future edits" popup
Text to be displayed for checkbox:
I also accept these terms for my future edits. Do not show this message again.
(Note there is an "also" in the sentence now)
Dev notes:
In case of not logged user, the choice should be persisted on user's device as a "cookie".
In case of the logged user the choice should be persisted as a user preference, so that it is considered regardless of the device the editor is using.
Acceptance Criteria:
- The licence popup contains a possibility to indefinitely ("cookie" set for long enough end date is fine) accept the CC0 licence (see mock)
- The checkbox is selected when the user sees the popup for the very first time
- If checkbox is checked and Cancel is clicked, no choice is persisted, and the Popup comes up again when clicking Publish
- If checkbox in not checked, and Publish is clicked, the Popup comes up again on the next time Publish is ever clicked in the Termbox
- The choice state should be shared between Termbox V1 and Termbox V2