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Talk page MVP priority fixes fo user testing
Closed, ResolvedPublic


LocationZeplin ScreenDetailsSuggested update
User Talk discussion icon + is greyed out even when action can be takenSet icon to active (blue) when action can be taken
Discussion titleAfter update of the title on the User Talk page, the Discussion titles should also be updated
Discussion Reply button looks inactive after entering textUpdate publish button to blue when active
New reply published new reply takes a long time to load and the confirmation appears before the new replyHoping that the loading states will help with this, but we'll still want to hold off on showing the confirmation before we show the new reply
New reply published appears to be floating above the bottom of the screenEnsure that the confirmation appears flush to the bottom of the screen
New Discussion discussions don't appear to post to new user talk pagesCan we both post and 'create' the talk page? If not we'll need to rethink the empty state and set the 'new discussion' button to inactive.

Event Timeline

Can we both post and 'create' the talk page? If not we'll need to rethink the empty state and set the 'new discussion' button to inactive.

Note on this I've noticed you can't search for one of these talk pages because it doesn't exist yet. But it does now work if you are navigating from a signature in another talk page.