Following on from the information in T205043: Write and send pre-release Announcements for MediaWiki 1.27.6/1.30.2/1.31.2/1.32.2, the email below will be sent out later today after the formal security release announcement to formally and explicitly EOL, rather than leaving it buried inside the security/maintenance release announcements.
Just to make this explicit and not hidden in the depth of the 1.27.6/1.30.2/1.31.2/1.32.2 release announcement - MediaWiki 1.27 and 1.30 are now End-of-Life (EOL) as of Today and are therefore no longer supported. MediaWiki 1.27 has been slated to become EOL in June 2019 [1], and therefore the final release of the MediaWiki 1.27 branch in the form of 1.27.6 solidifies this. MediaWiki 1.30 was supposed to be EOL in December 2018 [1], but due to a lack of a release since 1.30.1 in September 2018, this hadn't formally happened yet. MediaWiki 1.30.2 therefore is the final release for the MediaWiki 1.30 branch. If you require an LTS version of MediaWiki, please upgrade to MediaWiki 1.31 which is supported until June 2021 [1] at your earliest convience. If you don't require LTS support, you can upgrade to 1.32 instead which will be supported till January 2020 [1]. Upgrading to MediaWiki 1.31 or above will require PHP 7.0 or newer. And as somewhat of a heads up, MediaWiki 1.33 is due to be released later this month, which will be supported for a year after release (until June 2020) [1]. [1]