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mapframe dynamic maps (, don't always work
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Since a few days ago, mapframe dynamic maps don't reliably work with OpenStreetMap lines and shapes. Sometimes no map or only static maps are shown. The map server responds with status 404 instead of 200. Cause is the fail of mapserver function calls like this:

This calls do not return a GeoJSON object but an answer like

Cannot GET /geoline
Cannot GET /geoshape

These errors occur in case of both geoshapes and geolines services. Unfortunately, this problem is not permanently but temporarily. Some time later all is OK or another OSM object is missing. Mainly this error occur in case of OSM relations. It is not known if it occur with OSM ways, too.

Maybe there is a dependency with T218097 and T225592.

Event Timeline

A side effect is that the WMF's JavaScript code which organizes the creation of dynamic maps fails because it didn't check the result retrieved. At the German Wikivoyage we have two different results. One the one hand a static or missing map with WMF's script and a mainly working dynamic map after pressing the magnify button which creates a map by our tools. The map is shown with all working OSM objects and do not show all broken OSM ones.

Error messages from console:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot set property 'dataGroup' of undefined TypeError: Cannot set property 'dataGroup' of undefined
    at ExternalGroup.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:105:891){F29630588}
    at Function.each (
    at <anonymous>:105:618
    at mightThrow (
    at process ( undefined

map-by-wmf.jpg (604×660 px, 54 KB)

map-by-wikivoyage-magnified.jpg (1×2 px, 430 KB)

Maybe there is a dependency with T218097 and T225592.

No really a dependency, it's supposed to retrieve empty responses in those 2 cases. The Cannot GET /endpoint is an API error that shouldn't happen. I can't replicate it now, but probably this is related to T224874: Maps2004 ran into disk space issues again after reimaging with new partitioning scheme

MSantos claimed this task.
MSantos added subscribers: Mathew.onipe, Gehel.

Just checked and two machines failed to load the geoshapes service, and after restarting the service is back to normal. The machines were:

  • maps1003.eqiad.wmnet
  • maps2002.cofw.wmnet

Let me know if the problem continues.