Workshop to learn how to reuse and adapt a powerful Wikidata infobox on your own project.
- Title: Adapt and reuse a Wikidata infobox (suggestion)
- Duration: 1 hour
- Day and time: Thursday 15th at 16:00
- Room: Bergsmannen / Curie
- Facilitation: @RexxS and @Mike_Peel
- Video recording: TBD
- Description: (to be improved)
You would like to have a nice Wikidata-powered infobox on your project, but you don't know where to start? Let's have a look together at WikidataIB, the main template used on English Wikipedia. We'll discover its features, how to reuse it on another project and adapt it to your needs. No knowledge in Lua is required.
Requirements for the room: 15-20 seats, classroom setup, plenty of power plugs. Big screen/projector in front.