During the 1-hour en6C banner test on 2019-07-12, donors were not correctly sent to Payments when they clicked to donate. It seems this was due to an issue with the Banner History Logger never resolving the promise returned by mw.centralNotice.bannerHistoryLogger.ensureLogSent().
Initially, the issue seemed to be a bit different. Here is the previous name and description (in case the issue as originally described shows up again):
bannerHistoryLogger not present when banner history mixin enabled
If the banner history mixin is enabled for a CentralNotice campaign:
- mw.centralNotice.getDataProperty( 'mixins' ).bannerHistoryLogger is true as expected
- but mw.centralNotice.bannerHistoryLogger doesn't actually exist
- since fundraising banners try to use bannerHistoryLogger.ensureLogSent() before submitting to payments, this blocks donors from reaching the payments form.
The last fundraising banners ran in May, so this likely broke since then.
We can probably live without the banner history data for our current tests, and disable the mixin for now. But it should be fixed as this is useful data.