In T220016: Create, and deploy working MobileWebUIActionsTracking schema we introduced new schema to track user actions on mobile web. Once new MobileWebUIActionsTracking schema gets stable and Analytics department is happy with it, we should remove the old MobileWebMainMenuClickTracking schema and all instrumentation code written for it.
Developer notes
During T220016: Create, and deploy working MobileWebUIActionsTracking schema we made a patch to remove all code related to MobileWebMainMenuClickTracking, but before train cut we decided to postpone deploying code removal as we decided keep both schemas live for some short period of time. We reverted the change. This ticked is made to solely track revert of revert once Analytics is happy with new schema.
- SWAT the config cleanup change
- Once code is removed, please add a note on the MobileWebMainMenuClickTracking documentation page and also mark the schema as inactive.