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Silesian (szl) namespaces correction
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Hi, I'd like to request Silesian namespaces correction as the ones used are slightly wrong. I'm also adding translations of gender aliases (they are actually necessary unlike it was said in the last request), date formats, special page aliases and magic words.

$namespaceNames = [
	NS_MEDIA            => 'Media',
	NS_SPECIAL          => 'Specjalnŏ',
	NS_TALK             => 'Dyskusyjŏ',
	NS_USER             => 'Używŏcz',
	NS_USER_TALK        => 'Dyskusyjŏ_używŏcza',
	NS_PROJECT_TALK     => 'Dyskusyjŏ_$1',
	NS_FILE             => 'Zbiōr',
	NS_FILE_TALK        => 'Dyskusyjŏ_zbioru',
	NS_MEDIAWIKI        => 'MediaWiki',
	NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => 'Dyskusyjŏ_MediaWiki',
	NS_TEMPLATE         => 'Muster',
	NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => 'Dyskusyjŏ_mustra',
	NS_HELP             => 'Pōmoc',
	NS_HELP_TALK        => 'Dyskusyjŏ_pōmocy',
	NS_CATEGORY         => 'Kategoryjŏ',
	NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => 'Dyskusyjŏ_kategoryje',

$namespaceAliases = [
	'Grafika' => NS_FILE,
	'Dyskusyjŏ_grafiki' => NS_FILE_TALK,

$namespaceGenderAliases = [
	NS_USER => [ 'male' => 'Używŏcz', 'female' => 'Używŏczka' ],
	NS_USER_TALK => [ 'male' => 'Dyskusyjŏ_ôd_używŏcza', 'female' => 'Dyskusyjŏ_ôd_używŏczki' ],

$dateFormats = [
	'mdy time' => 'H:i',
	'mdy date' => 'M j, Y',
	'mdy monthonly' => 'F Y',
	'mdy both' => 'H:i, M j, Y',
	'mdy pretty' => 'j xg',

	'dmy time' => 'H:i',
	'dmy date' => 'j M Y',
	'dmy monthonly' => 'F Y',
	'dmy both' => 'H:i, j M Y',
	'dmy pretty' => 'j xg',

	'ymd time' => 'H:i',
	'ymd date' => 'Y M j',
	'ymd monthonly' => 'Y F',
	'ymd both' => 'H:i, Y M j',
	'ymd pretty' => 'j xg',

$fallback8bitEncoding = 'iso-8859-2';

$separatorTransformTable = [
	',' => "\u{00A0}", // T4749
	'.' => ','
$minimumGroupingDigits = 2;

$linkTrail = '/^([a-zōąęŏãōôõśłżźćńĄĘōŎÃŌÔÕŚŁŻŹĆŃ]+)(.*)$/sDu';

$specialPageAliases = [
	'Activeusers'               => [ 'Aktywni_używŏcze' ],
	'Allmessages'               => [ 'Wszyjske_kōmunikaty' ],
	'Allpages'                  => [ 'Wszyjske_strōny' ],
	'Ancientpages'              => [ 'Stare_strōny' ],
	'Badtitle'                  => [ 'Zły_tytuł' ],
	'Blankpage'                 => [ 'Prōznŏ_strōna' ],
	'Block'                     => [ 'Blokuj' ],
	'Booksources'               => [ 'Ksiōnżki' ],
	'BrokenRedirects'           => [ 'Serwane_przekerowania' ],
	'Categories'                => [ 'Kategoryje' ],
	'ChangeEmail'               => [ 'Zmiyń_e-mail' ],
	'ChangePassword'            => [ 'Zmiyń_hasło', 'Resetuj_hasło' ],
	'ComparePages'              => [ 'Porōwnowanie_strōn' ],
	'Confirmemail'              => [ 'Potwiyrdź_e-mail' ],
	'Contributions'             => [ 'Wkłŏd' ],
	'CreateAccount'             => [ 'Stwōrz_kōnto' ],
	'Deadendpages'              => [ 'Bez_linkōw' ],
	'DeletedContributions'      => [ 'Skasowany_wkłŏd' ],
	'DoubleRedirects'           => [ 'Tuplowane_przekerowania' ],
	'EditWatchlist'             => [ 'Edytuj_ôbserwowane' ],
	'Emailuser'                 => [ 'E-mail' ],
	'ExpandTemplates'           => [ 'Rozwijanie_mustrōw' ],
	'Export'                    => [ 'Eksport' ],
	'Fewestrevisions'           => [ 'Nojmynij_edycyji' ],
	'FileDuplicateSearch'       => [ 'Szukej_tuplikatu_zbioru' ],
	'Filepath'                  => [ 'Ścieżka_do_zbioru' ],
	'Invalidateemail'           => [ 'Pociep_e-mail' ],
	'JavaScriptTest'            => [ 'Test_JavaScriptu' ],
	'BlockList'                 => [ 'Zablokowani' ],
	'LinkSearch'                => [ 'Wyszukowarka_linkōw' ],
	'Listadmins'                => [ 'Administratorzi' ],
	'Listbots'                  => [ 'Boty' ],
	'Listfiles'                 => [ 'Zbiory' ],
	'Listgrouprights'           => [ 'Grupy_używŏczōw', 'Uprawniynia_grup_używŏczōw' ],
	'Listredirects'             => [ 'Przekerowania' ],
	'Listusers'                 => [ 'Używŏcze' ],
	'Lockdb'                    => [ 'Zablokuj_bazã' ],
	'Log'                       => [ 'Regest', 'Logi' ],
	'Lonelypages'               => [ 'Ôsierocōne_strōny' ],
	'Longpages'                 => [ 'Nojdugsze_strōny' ],
	'MergeHistory'              => [ 'Scal_historyje' ],
	'MIMEsearch'                => [ 'Wyszukowanie_MIME' ],
	'Mostcategories'            => [ 'Nojwiyncyj_kategoryji' ],
	'Mostimages'                => [ 'Nojczyńścij_linkowane_zbiory' ],
	'Mostinterwikis'            => [ 'Nojwiyncyj_interwiki' ],
	'Mostlinked'                => [ 'Nojczyńścij_linkowane' ],
	'Mostlinkedcategories'      => [ 'Nojczyńścij_linkowane_kategoryje' ],
	'Mostlinkedtemplates'       => [ 'Nojczyńścij_linkowane_mustry' ],
	'Mostrevisions'             => [ 'Nojwiyncyj_edycyji', 'Nojczyńścij_edytowane' ],
	'Movepage'                  => [ 'Przeniyś' ],
	'Mycontributions'           => [ 'Mōj_wkłŏd' ],
	'MyLanguage'                => [ 'Mōj_jynzyk' ],
	'Mypage'                    => [ 'Moja_strōna' ],
	'Mytalk'                    => [ 'Moja_dyskusyjŏ' ],
	'Myuploads'                 => [ 'Moje_zbiory' ],
	'Newimages'                 => [ 'Nowe_zbiory' ],
	'Newpages'                  => [ 'Nowe_strōny' ],
	'PagesWithProp'             => [ 'Strōny_z_włŏsnościōm' ],
	'PasswordReset'             => [ 'Wysnŏż_hasło' ],
	'PermanentLink'             => [ 'Permanyntny_link' ],
	'Preferences'               => [ 'Preferyncyje' ],
	'Prefixindex'               => [ 'Strōny_podle_prefiksu' ],
	'Protectedpages'            => [ 'Zabezpieczōne_strōny' ],
	'Protectedtitles'           => [ 'Zabezpieczōne_miana_strōn' ],
	'Randompage'                => [ 'Losowŏ_strōna', 'Losowŏ' ],
	'RandomInCategory'          => [ 'Losowŏ_w_kategoryji', 'Losowŏ_strōna_we_kategoryji' ],
	'Randomredirect'            => [ 'Losowe_przekerowanie' ],
	'Recentchanges'             => [ 'Ôstatnie_zmiany', 'ÔZ' ],
	'Recentchangeslinked'       => [ 'Zmiany_w_linkowanych', 'Zmiany_w_linkach' ],
	'Redirect'                  => [ 'Pōnknij' ],
	'ResetTokens'               => [ 'Resetuj_tokyny' ],
	'Revisiondelete'            => [ 'Skasuj_wersyjõ' ],
	'Search'                    => [ 'Szukej' ],
	'Shortpages'                => [ 'Nojkrōtsze_strōny' ],
	'Specialpages'              => [ 'Specjalne_strōny' ],
	'Statistics'                => [ 'Statystyka', 'Statystyki' ],
	'Tags'                      => [ 'Znaczniki' ],
	'Unblock'                   => [ 'Ôdblokuj' ],
	'Uncategorizedcategories'   => [ 'Niyskategoryzowane_kategoryje' ],
	'Uncategorizedimages'       => [ 'Niyskategoryzowane_zbiory' ],
	'Uncategorizedpages'        => [ 'Niyskategoryzowane_strōny' ],
	'Uncategorizedtemplates'    => [ 'Niyskategoryzowane_mustry' ],
	'Undelete'                  => [ 'Prziwrōć' ],
	'Unlockdb'                  => [ 'Ôdblokuj_bazã' ],
	'Unusedcategories'          => [ 'Niyużywane_kategoryje' ],
	'Unusedimages'              => [ 'Niyużywane_zbiory' ],
	'Unusedtemplates'           => [ 'Niyużywane_mustry' ],
	'Unwatchedpages'            => [ 'Niyôbserwowane_strōny' ],
	'Upload'                    => [ 'Prześlij' ],
	'UploadStash'               => [ 'Skryte_zbiory' ],
	'Userlogin'                 => [ 'Wloguj' ],
	'Userlogout'                => [ 'Wyloguj' ],
	'Userrights'                => [ 'Uprawniynia', 'Uprawniynia_używŏczōw', 'Prawa_używŏczōw' ],
	'Version'                   => [ 'Wersyjŏ' ],
	'Wantedcategories'          => [ 'Potrzebne_kategoryje' ],
	'Wantedfiles'               => [ 'Potrzebne_zbiory' ],
	'Wantedpages'               => [ 'Potrzebne_strōny' ],
	'Wantedtemplates'           => [ 'Potrzebne_mustry' ],
	'Watchlist'                 => [ 'Ôbserwowane' ],
	'Whatlinkshere'             => [ 'Co sam linkuje' ],
	'Withoutinterwiki'          => [ 'Strōny_bez_interwiki' ],

$magicWords = [
	'redirect'                  => [ '0', '#PATRZ', '#PRZEKERUJ', '#TAM', '#REDIRECT', '#PŌNKNIJ' ],
	'notoc'                     => [ '0', '__BEZSPISU__', '__NOTOC__' ],
	'nogallery'                 => [ '0', '__BEZGALERYJE__', '__NOGALLERY__' ],
	'forcetoc'                  => [ '0', '__ZEWYKAZYM__', '__WYMUŚWYKŎZ__', '__FORCETOC__' ],
	'toc'                       => [ '0', '__WYKŎZ__', '__TOC__' ],
	'noeditsection'             => [ '0', '__BEZEDYCYJESEKCYJE__', '__NOEDITSECTION__' ],
	'currentday'                => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNYDZIYŃ', 'CURRENTDAY' ],
	'currentdayname'            => [ '1', 'MIANODNIA', 'CURRENTDAYNAME' ],
	'currentyear'               => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNYROK', 'CURRENTYEAR' ],
	'currenttime'               => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNYCZAS', 'CURRENTTIME' ],
	'currenthour'               => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNŎGODZINA', 'CURRENTHOUR' ],
	'localmonth'                => [ '1', 'MIESIŌNC', 'LOCALMONTH', 'LOCALMONTH2' ],
	'localmonthname'            => [ '1', 'MIANOMIESIŌNCA', 'LOCALMONTHNAME' ],
	'localmonthnamegen'         => [ '1', 'MIANOMIESIŌNCADOP', 'LOCALMONTHNAMEGEN' ],
	'localmonthabbrev'          => [ '1', 'MIANOMIESIŌNCASKR', 'LOCALMONTHABBREV' ],
	'localday'                  => [ '1', 'DZIYŃ', 'LOCALDAY' ],
	'localday2'                 => [ '1', 'DZIYŃ2', 'LOCALDAY2' ],
	'localdayname'              => [ '1', 'DZIYŃTYDNIA', 'LOCALDAYNAME' ],
	'localyear'                 => [ '1', 'ROK', 'LOCALYEAR' ],
	'localtime'                 => [ '1', 'CZAS', 'LOCALTIME' ],
	'localhour'                 => [ '1', 'GODZINA', 'LOCALHOUR' ],
	'numberofpages'             => [ '1', 'LICZBASTRŌN', 'NUMBEROFPAGES' ],
	'numberofarticles'          => [ '1', 'LICZBAARTYKUŁŌW', 'NUMBEROFARTICLES' ],
	'numberoffiles'             => [ '1', 'LICZBAZBIORŌW', 'NUMBEROFFILES' ],
	'numberofusers'             => [ '1', 'LICZBAUŻYWŎCZŌW', 'NUMBEROFUSERS' ],
	'numberofactiveusers'       => [ '1', 'LICZBAAKTYWNYCHUŻYWŎCZŌW', 'NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS' ],
	'numberofedits'             => [ '1', 'LICZBAEDYCJI', 'NUMBEROFEDITS' ],
	'pagename'                  => [ '1', 'MIANOSTRŌNY', 'PAGENAME' ],
	'namespace'                 => [ '1', 'MIANOPRZESTRZYNI', 'NAMESPACE' ],
	'talkspace'                 => [ '1', 'DYSKUSYJŎ', 'TALKSPACE' ],
	'fullpagename'              => [ '1', 'POŁNEMIANOSTRŌNY', 'FULLPAGENAME' ],
	'subpagename'               => [ '1', 'MIANOPODSTRŌNY', 'SUBPAGENAME' ],
	'basepagename'              => [ '1', 'BAZOWEMIANOSTRŌNY', 'BASEPAGENAME' ],
	'talkpagename'              => [ '1', 'MIANOSTRŌNYDYSKUSYJE', 'TALKPAGENAME' ],
	'subst'                     => [ '0', 'podst:', 'SUBST:' ],
	'img_thumbnail'             => [ '1', 'mały', 'thumb', 'thumbnail' ],
	'img_manualthumb'           => [ '1', 'mały=$1', 'thumbnail=$1', 'thumb=$1' ],
	'img_right'                 => [ '1', 'prawo', 'right' ],
	'img_left'                  => [ '1', 'lewo', 'left' ],
	'img_none'                  => [ '1', 'brak', 'none' ],
	'img_center'                => [ '1', 'cyntruj', 'center', 'centre' ],
	'img_framed'                => [ '1', 'rōmka', 'frame', 'framed', 'enframed' ],
	'img_frameless'             => [ '1', 'bezrōmki', 'bez_ramki', 'frameless' ],
	'img_page'                  => [ '1', 'strōna=$1', 'page=$1', 'page $1' ],
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	'img_middle'                => [ '1', 'postrzodek', 'middle' ],
	'img_bottom'                => [ '1', 'spodek', 'bottom' ],
	'sitename'                  => [ '1', 'PROJEKT', 'SITENAME' ],
	'ns'                        => [ '0', 'PN:', 'NS:' ],
	'articlepath'               => [ '0', 'ŚCIEŻKAARTYKUŁŌW', 'ARTICLEPATH' ],
	'server'                    => [ '0', 'SERWER', 'SERVER' ],
	'servername'                => [ '0', 'MIANOSERWERA', 'SERVERNAME' ],
	'scriptpath'                => [ '0', 'ŚCIEŻKASKRYPTU', 'SCRIPTPATH' ],
	'grammar'                   => [ '0', 'ÔDMIANA:', 'GRAMMAR:' ],
	'gender'                    => [ '0', 'PŁEĆ:', 'GENDER:' ],
	'currentweek'               => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNYTYDZIYŃ', 'CURRENTWEEK' ],
	'localweek'                 => [ '1', 'TYDZIYŃROKU', 'LOCALWEEK' ],
	'localdow'                  => [ '1', 'DZIYŃTYDNIANR', 'LOCALDOW' ],
	'plural'                    => [ '0', 'MNOGŎ:', 'PLURAL:' ],
	'fullurl'                   => [ '0', 'POŁNYURL', 'FULLURL:' ],
	'lcfirst'                   => [ '0', 'ZMAŁYJ:', 'ÔDMAŁYJ:', 'LCFIRST:' ],
	'ucfirst'                   => [ '0', 'ZWIELKIJ:', 'ZESROGIJ:', 'ÔDWIELKIJ:', 'ÔDSROGIJ:', 'UCFIRST:' ],
	'lc'                        => [ '0', 'MAŁE:', 'LC:' ],
	'uc'                        => [ '0', 'WIELKE:', 'SROGE:', 'UC:' ],
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	'newsectionlink'            => [ '1', '__LINKNOWYJSEKCYJE__', '__NEWSECTIONLINK__' ],
	'currentversion'            => [ '1', 'TERŎŹNŎWERSYJŎ', 'CURRENTVERSION' ],
	'language'                  => [ '0', '#JYNZYK:', '#LANGUAGE:' ],
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	'special'                   => [ '0', 'specjalnŏ', 'special' ],
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	'protectionlevel'           => [ '1', '__POZIŌMZABEZPIECZYŃ__', 'PROTECTIONLEVEL' ],
	'url_path'                  => [ '0', 'ŚCIEŻKA', 'PATH' ],
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	'pagesincategory_files'     => [ '0', 'zbiory', 'files' ],

Event Timeline

@Uostofchuodnego: You are very welcome to use developer access to submit the proposed code changes as a Git branch directly into Gerrit which makes it easier to review and provide feedback.

For example to change the link trail, the corresponding message file for the language code szl is in languages/messages/ in the repository mediawiki/core. Past examples for patches are or

For some namespace translation changes in the past, see for example:

If you don't want to set up Git/Gerrit, you can also use the Gerrit Patch Uploader. Thanks again!

@Aklapper, Thank you for all the information. I cloned MediaWiki from GitHub (I'm not a developer, so I only have some basics how to deal with git), created the patch, and I'm trying to upload it to the Gerrit Patch uploader but I'm getting errors that are beyond my abilities:

Result from uploading patch:
git clone -v -v --depth=1 ssh://gerrit/wikipedia /tmp/tmptwe4lnvc

Cloning into '/tmp/tmptwe4lnvc'...
Server supports multi_ack_detailed
Server supports side-band-64k
Server supports ofs-delta
Server version is JGit/
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
Upload failed
Reason: Could not determine branch (check log above for details)

I'm attaching the patch here in case you have a second to have a look at it.


We do not know which exact command(s) listed on you performed, so we don't know which exact and complete steps were performed before the first posted line "Result from uploading patch"...

@Aklapper The command I used to create the patch:

git format-patch -M origin/master

(I know i chose wrong here) Project: wikipedia

I realised that I chose the wrong project, so I tried to upload it to the mediawiki project but it's still failing (no file or directory, apparently):

Result from uploading patch:
git clone -v -v --depth=1 ssh://gerrit/mediawiki /tmp/tmpraua9_w_

Cloning into '/tmp/tmpraua9_w_'...
Server supports multi_ack_detailed
Server supports side-band-64k
Server supports ofs-delta
Server version is JGit/
want 392d3e92903c3a185f1cd0ca33dcb735a614268c (HEAD)
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0)
Note: checking out '392d3e92903c3a185f1cd0ca33dcb735a614268c'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

git config [[mw:User:Uostofchuodnego]]

git config

git apply < patch

error: languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php: No such file or directory
patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 -u < patch

can't find file to patch at input line 14
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|From 8fe964400c83d584e56d7255708336b35a80f715 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
|From: Grzegorz Kulik <>
|Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:41:46 +0200
|Subject: [PATCH] Silesian namespaces correction
| languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
| 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
|diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php b/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
|index c30e963e93..65047335fe 100644
|--- a/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
|+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
File to patch: 
Skip this patch? [y] 
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored
patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 -u < patch

can't find file to patch at input line 14
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|From 8fe964400c83d584e56d7255708336b35a80f715 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
|From: Grzegorz Kulik <>
|Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:41:46 +0200
|Subject: [PATCH] Silesian namespaces correction
| languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
| 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
|diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php b/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
|index c30e963e93..65047335fe 100644
|--- a/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
|+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesSzl.php
File to patch: 
Skip this patch? [y] 
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored
Upload failed
Reason: Patch failed (is your patch in unified diff format, and does it patch apply cleanly to master?) (check log above for details)

Change 534483 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gerrit Patch Uploader; owner: Uostofchuodnego):
[mediawiki/core@master] Per request by Aklapper ( I'm sending the patch with Silesian namespaces update.

@Aklapper I figured it out! Thank you for your help. :)

@Uostofchuodnego: Congratulations! :) You may want to check for better formatting of the commit message, and how you can fix your patch based on the feedback that Nikerabbit gave in Gerrit.

@Aklapper Hey, thank you for all the information and sorry about the mess. Does it mean I need to edit anything or submit another patch, or is it for me to know in the future?

Hi, you'd need to submit an improved ("amended") version of your patch, following the feedback in Gerrit.

@Aklapper Will 534629 be deleted? I uploaded it before you pointed me to the instructions because I'm horribly impatient and I didn't think of reading any documents. However, I actually did bring the local files back to the original state, made new changes according to the suggestions, and uploaded the improved patch. I'm quite aware that the commit message is completely incompatible with the guidelines.

I can't do either. I'm not the owner because I uploaded it through the patch uploader. :(

Perhaps I should just reupload the patch with a correct commit message? Sorry for bothering you for so long, I should have checked the guidelines.

Ah, I'm sorry - I obviously didn't pay enough attention that you used the Gerrit Uploader Tool. Let me edit the commit message of your second patch and abandon your first patch.

Change 534483 abandoned by Aklapper:
Per request by Aklapper ( I'm sending the patch with Silesian namespaces update.

Superseded by /534629/

Change 534629 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aklapper; owner: Uostofchuodnego):
[mediawiki/core@master] Correct Silesian namespaces, aliases, magic words, and linktrails.

That is great. In the future I'll remember to check the rules before uploading. Thank you for all your help!