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Flake8 fails on labs-tools-heritage, complaining about py3 stuff
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This was first noticed in July 2018.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flake8/", line 666, in _run_checks_from_queue
    checker.run_checks(results_queue, statistics_queue)
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flake8/", line 606, in run_checks
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flake8/", line 517, in run_ast_checks
    for (line_number, offset, text, check) in runner:
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 38, in visit_tree
    for error in self.visit_tree(child):
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 38, in visit_tree
    for error in self.visit_tree(child):
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 38, in visit_tree
    for error in self.visit_tree(child):
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 35, in visit_tree
    for error in self.visit_node(node):
  File "labs-tools-heritage/.tox/flake8/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 51, in visit_node
    if not isinstance(node.func.value.s, unicode):
NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined

But also:

./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./bin/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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Event Timeline

JeanFred created this task.

Prevents merges

Change 532136 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric; owner: Jean-Frédéric):
[labs/tools/heritage@master] Remove flake8 extension unicode-string-literal from tox file

JeanFred renamed this task from Flake8 fails on labs-tools-heritage, complaining about NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined to Flake8 fails on labs-tools-heritage, complaining about py3 stuff.Aug 25 2019, 8:27 AM
JeanFred updated the task description. (Show Details)

The unicode-string-litteral issue was the top of the iceberg: now that flake8 runs, it complains about a lot of violations:

./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./tests/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./bin/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ F821 undefined name 'unicode'
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
./erfgoedbot/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I dived through the logs of rCICF integration-config and did not find anything obvious along the lines of “Switch to Py3” − maybe this is related to T222512: CI: upgrade tox or allow to override its version per-project?

Based on the above task we should be able to just use an older tox image?


$ docker run --rm --entrypoint=bash -it

$ nobody@676488683da1:/src$ tox --version
3.10.0 imported from /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tox/

$ nobody@676488683da1:/src$ python --version
Python 2.7.13

So even though 2.7 is still the default Python, tox uses Py3.
Same goes for releng:0.3.1:

$ nobody@4350aafb13ba:/src$ tox --version
2.9.1 imported from /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tox/

So, sure, we should T224405: Migrate heritage to py3 but I’d rather not have to do that right now. Would there be a way to go back to a py2-based tox?

cc @hashar

Change 532245 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric; owner: Jean-Frédéric):
[labs/tools/heritage@master] Set basepython to Python 2.7 in tox.ini

Ah, setting basepython is good enough as it seems :)

Change 532245 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/heritage@master] Set basepython to Python 2.7 in tox.ini

Change 532136 abandoned by Jean-Frédéric:
Remove flake8 extension unicode-string-literal from tox file

Abandoned in favor of /532245/