The newcomer tasks experience will be somewhat personalized based on welcome survey responses. This is an opportunity to modify the welcome survey options to fit the personalization the feature will do. We have also decided to ask one of the welcome survey questions directly on the homepage instead, so that question will be removed from the survey.
These are the changes required for the first version of newcomer tasks:
Question 1 (the “task” question)
- Remove the following options:
- “To add information to a Wikipedia article”
- Add the following options:
- “To add or change information in a Wikipedia article”
- “To add a photo or image to a Wikipedia article”
- “I’m participating in a program, class, or event”
- These new and changed response options should be new values for the purposes of storage -- they should not be overwritten to any existing values. This will help facilitate clear analysis.
Question 3 (the “topic” question)
- Remove this question from the welcome survey entirely. We will ask this information on the homepage instead.
Other copy changes
- Subtitle
- This is the current subtitle on the survey: "Help us make Wikipedia better for our new users like you by answering a few optional questions."
- Should be changed to: "Help us improve your Wikipedia experience by answering a few optional questions."
- "Thank you" screen
- This is the current line: "Your answers will be used to help us try to make Wikipedia better for all new users."
- Should be changed to: "Your answers will help us give you useful ways to get started on Wikipedia."