This task will track the setup and installation of WMF5173 as a kerbos node in eqiad.
Please note this task will be initially assigned to @elukey for feedback on a number of installation required variables.
Hostnames: krb1001
Networking/Subnet/VLAN/IP: Internal subnet
Partitioning/Raid: Just a simple raid1 of the SSDs with a large /srv good enough? (This is our basic setup.)
- - new hostname labels applied to front and back (create sub-task once hostname is determined) - subtask created
- - WMF5173 set from 'inventory' to 'planned' as it is allocated for use and no longer a spare system.
- - switch port updated (description and vlan)
- - netbox entry updated (hostname)
- - OS installation
- - netbox entry status changed to 'staged'
- - handoff to service implementation team
- - sub-team which implements the service must change netbox status to 'active'