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"refused to create a worker from 'blob" error on console loading contentTranslation page
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This "refused to create a worker from 'blob" error keeps appearing on the console when going to the contentTranslation page

image.png (300×518 px, 146 KB)

Event Timeline

KartikMistry subscribed.

Any impact on users from this?

Any impact on users from this?

not that I can see

Pginer-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 15 2019, 4:04 PM
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Bugs on the ContentTranslation board.

Does this happen with safemode=1 URL-param? If not, it's a local wiki issue. I cannot reproduce.

Jpita claimed this task.

can't replicate anymore, closing this