Author: timwi
Originally submitted by Nobody/Anonymous - nobody 2002-07-21 11:59
What links here doesn't work for pages in the image:namespace. For example, clicking on 'what links
here' for [[Image:Northern Spotted Owl.USFWS-thumb.jpg]] returns nothing even though [[owl]] is linked
to the image.
Hum, there seems to be duplication in functionality by listing 'Image links' and having the standard 'what
links here' in the sidebar. I would suggest we just have the standard sidebar link and have it work for
image:namespace pages (KISS principle).
Another /apparent/ area of duplication is the 'image history' -- although I understand that this is a
versioning feature of the media itself and not edits to the image:namespace page. Perhaps we should
brainstorm on a way to either make this more clear...
- Additional comments ------------------------
Date: 2002-07-21 12:56
Sender: SF user vibber
On a related note; it's unclear how one would go about
making a /text/ link to an image description/history page
short of using the full URL. The Image: namespace is
somewhat magical in that links to it are always pictures...
That's the point, of course. :)
But in retrospect, perhaps it would be less confusing if the
Image: namespace were *just* for the image itself, and the
/editable text description page/ were in another namespace
that can be directly linked to like everything else on the
wiki. (Image description:? Image talk:? File description?
Better not to restrict this to images only; we have sound
files and potentially video/animation clips, etc.)
Hmm, maybe this belongs in a feature request.
Date: 2002-07-22 21:46
Sender: SF user lcrocker
This is an issue of confusion/documentation. The code
behaves correctly as designed. "What links here" is
you a (correctly empty) list of what links to the description
page. the description page itself tells you what links to the
image. To make a link to the description page, begin it with a
Will move to feature requests to consider doing differently.
Date: 2003-12-11 20:23
Sender: SF user evanprodromou
Lee is, of course, wrong on this one. Links to the
description page in the form [[:Image:filename.ext]] do not
show up on "What links here".
I'm moving this back to bug status. We need to have "what
links here" as much for image pages as for anything else.
Alternately, we can just remove the "what links here"
for "Image:" namespace articles, if we don't think
should get to know what links to the description page.
Let me try and restate this: this is a bug because we have a
link that says "What links here" but it never shows
links here -- neither to the image nor to the description.
Date: 2004-06-09 13:02
Sender: nobody
Logged In: NO
Related bugs: #966936, #968603
Version: unspecified
Severity: minor