Container for a plan Riksdagen has to do NER Named-entity recognition of the Swedish Riksdagstrycket. Idea from T235527: Möte 1 Riksdagsförvaltningen Swedish Government
- check what SBL has about people at the Swedish Parliament see T236883: Ask the Swedish National Archives to deliver some usable metadata
- can SOFI have authorities for places see T235814: New version "SOFI namnregister" for places
- check what LIBRISXL a linkeddata project knows about people at the Swedish Parliament see question asked
- what does TORA have as a place authority see T233275
- can Wikidata and Recogito be used as we did at Uppsala University see T236459: POC: Use Wikidata for adding value to an "old platform" by connecting it to Pleiades
About "Riksdagstrycket
Swedish 450 years and 3 milion pages
#Riksdagstrycket 1521-1970 is now digital and maybe Wikidata can be used for the next step
- Example
- identify persons and connect them to Wikidata objekt
- identify subjects and connect them to Wikidata objekt
- identify places subjects and connect them to Wikidata objekt an d maybe also to Historical maps at Swedish "Lantmäteriverket"
- Movie from a lecture 2018 about "Riksdagstrycket"
- Riksdagenshistoria (swedish) with Jonas Nordin ORCID: 0000-0001-7220-9442 WD: Q27160051
- video about what documents are available t=2300
PDF and XML is available link
Some Wikidata initiatives about Political data
- WikidataCon 2017 "Well structured political data for the whole world: impossible utopia, or Wikidata at its best?"
- Projectpages about Politicians "The overall aim of this WikiProject is to have complete and consistently structured data across the world on elected representatives National to Local level.
In Wikidata we have
- P3217 Svenskt biografiskt lexikon from the Swedish National Archives we have also asked them to deliver the latest books as data see T236883: Ask the Swedish National Archives to deliver some usable metadata
- links 3300 links in Wikidata to member of the Swedish Riksdag (Q10655178)
- GITHUB opentapioca is a simple and fast Named Entity Linking system for Wikidata. Small test with the text above
- see also T236459: POC: Use Wikidata for adding value to an "old platform" by connecting it to Pleiades and the usage of
- In sv:Wikipedia we believe we have > 5000 people related to the Swedish Goverment see also cleaning activities
- T235243: Kolla svenska riksdagsledamöters data i Wikidata/Wikipedia
- T235979: Riksdagsvalet 2018 Valmyndigheten
- T236769: Create a Shape Expressions (ShEx) for Swedish Parliament members in Wikidata
- sv:Wikipedia Kategori:Ledamöter_av_Sveriges_riksdag
- Category sv:Wikipedia Ledamöter_av_Sveriges_riksdag
- 4,699 pages
- 2018 we had 6,5 milion page views i.e.. > 17 868 per day
- Kategori:Sveriges_riksdag
- > 11200 pages
- 2018 we had 19,099,540 milion pageviews i.e > 52 328 per day
Looks like Norway has a good structure in Wikidata
- Define every legislative term / "mandatperiod" e.g. "Stortingets mandatperiod 2017–2021" = WD:Q55670426
- Books with people are added e.g. WD:Q71786207 "Stortinget og statsraadet: 1814-1914. B. 2 D. 1 : De enkelte storting og statsraader 1814-1885"
- Example Q3362637