Since the Documentation for creating a schema change procedure was blanked from development policy, DBA s face an increasing amount of confused developers that do not understand what to do and how to proceed, causing stress and frustration on both sides, as well as misunderstandings. Please note that DBA proposed amends to the development policy were not arbitrarily edited, they were approved on an RFC in a public session, as required on the new page:
T112637: RFC: Increase the strictness of mediawiki SQL code and leverage database code blockers for scalability, in particular, T112637#2134651
With additional links to the larger, non-policy procedure at Wikitech for convenience:
Please note that I am more than understanding those were good faith edits, and I even agree those should not be core development policies on that page, they are extremely useful agreed policies that should be highly visible/findable to developers, so they should be at least *somewhere else* on the mediawiki site. This is not an "edit complain" 0:-D, the blanking is causing actual, organizational production issues at the moment, and this I consider this a documentation bug.
There has been 8 months, enough time to correct the mentioned issue in the comments page: with no response, forcing me to bring this to Phabricator, to prevent me for repeating "yes, this $comonsense_database_good_practice is actually an agreed mediawiki policy".