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User research: Small wikis and translation
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Content translation has been used mainly by medium and large Wikipedias. We want to learn more about the role of translation in smaller wikis with potential to grow by using translation. Learning about the role of translation and their particular needs of small wikis will help to improve projects like Section translation to better serve their needs.

Some questions that may be relevant in this area:

  • Which is the role of translation (using ContentTranslation or not) for content creation in small wikis?
  • Which are the main limitations preventing small wikis to translate more?
  • Which are the barriers that prevent users in these wikis to use Content translation more frequently to create new content?
  • What do experience journeys look like for small wiki users (namely potential contributors)? (from initial interaction with Wikipedia to drop off at content translation and/or successful or failed content translation interaction, with the option of considering return behavior - i.e., do successful content translation users return (why/why not?)

Additional details (and sub-tickets) will be defined as the research plan is defined further.