Page MenuHomePhabricator lists wrong classes for deprecated methods
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The class shown is "Wikibase", the actual class / file this happens in is Wikibase/lib/includes/Formatters/DispatchingValueFormatter.php

The full path should be \Wikibase\Lib\Formatters\DispatchingValueFormatter

image.png (840×798 px, 119 KB)

Event Timeline

I'm guessing this issue has something to do with this output when generating docs..

12:20:19 deprecated:2: warning: Illegal command Lib as part of a \ref
12:20:19 deprecated:2: warning: Illegal command Formatters as part of a \ref
12:20:19 deprecated:2: warning: Illegal command DispatchingValueFormatter as part of a \ref

Also reported in

I believe a fix was merged in

According to

the commit is in Release_1_8_16 Release_1_8_15

And we run:

12:20:14 + doxygen --version
12:20:14 1.8.13
hashar claimed this task.
hashar subscribed.

CI now runs Doxygen 1.8.16. The master branch has been regenerated with it already

The namespaces show up properly now:

wikibase_deprecated_list.png (415×850 px, 73 KB)

All documentations will eventually be regenerated as part of unbreaking the server side PHP search page. T218233

Thank you @Addshore