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Adjust Termbox styles for the latest Minerva page header changes
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The original Termbox design was meant to integrate only the watchlist star, i.e. a single icon button with no text. On Minerva now shows two buttons with icons and a label, which looks almost ok, but the patching CSS that originally moved the watchlist star icon to where we wanted it to be makes the buttons overlap.

Screenshot from 2020-01-07 11-12-45.png (150×1 px, 23 KB)

On beta, there are even more new header elements such as tabs for "Page" and "Discussion".

Screenshot from 2020-01-07 11-14-34.png (283×1 px, 30 KB)

When making any style changes to the header we might want to see if T232356 is something that can be fixed along the way.

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This is interesting (especially the linked ticket with the overlap of the Q-Number).
Is there a way to mirror the changes made, in this instance add the label to the icon?
On mobile screens the label disappears again and only shows the icon, so it seems to be very similar to what we've done.

In general it seems to me the icons and texts need a little more tweeking regarding the spacing. So maybe we want to wait until this is fixed?