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Feature Request from OTRS - Additional Saved folders behavior, nesting folders, mapping articles to subjects
Closed, DuplicatePublic


From OTRS;TicketID=11280439



Google Translated:

Hello, I am using Wikipedia. It is very easy to use, but I am not satisfied with it. The reading list is not good enough. The entries cannot be moved to other lists in batches. They can only be copied to other lists and then deleted from the original list. Create a sublist.
I have a lot of entries in Wikipedia, and if I can't organize them effectively, this information will look complicated. I believe that many users will feel the same as me.
I think Wikipedia and its app have done a good job in comprehensiveness and richness of knowledge, but they have done poorly in the construction and organization of knowledge, and even do not see relevant efforts.
I have always hoped that Wikipedia can make knowledge sorting like mind maps, at least in the function of reading list can be improved. For details, you can refer to the folder of windows. I think that making a folder like this can help users better. Organize knowledge items to improve user experience.
If you can consider my suggestion, I am very grateful.