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Strange Error : cannot use '...' outside a vararg function ?
Closed, InvalidPublic


  1. Like you know I work on the Module:Centralizer in French WikiSource

and in Lua we always can code : function XXX.dropbox(selector, ...)
local args = {...} But, from yesterday, this give an error :
"Erreur Lua dans Module:Centralizer à la ligne 9729 : cannot use '...' outside a vararg function near .... "

  1. This task concern the Lua coding
  2. This error forbid to code in Lua
  3. I don't write a dedicated test because this is trivial to code in any module
  4. Of course this blocks all Lua coding
  5. Debug that as soon as possible"
  6. Where and when to use the proposed solution"
    1. All active Lua coders probably have the same question and hope a return to a normal situation + Rical.
    2. This is the first step : the declaration of the task"


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Hi @Rical. This does not sound like something is wrong in the code base (a so-called "software bug"), but instead like a support request (how to change settings, questions how to do something, etc.).
Wikimedia Phabricator is for bug reports and enhancement requests. Feel free to ask general software development questions in software development forums, for example

@Rical: For future reference, when creating tasks, please always follow the structure in