Course instructors might want to claim their whole class at once. Currently, it would require using the page bambilions of times - bad user experience.
Related Objects
- Mentioned In
- T324615: [[MediaWiki:Growthexperiments-claimmentee-confirm/fr]] translation issue
T267167: Improve SpecialClaimMentee's error message when one or more mentees cannot be claimed - Mentioned Here
- T245639: Allow anyone to claim a mentee
T267167: Improve SpecialClaimMentee's error message when one or more mentees cannot be claimed
Event Timeline
As ClaimMentee is a sideproduct maintained by me as a volunteer, triaging related tasks to low.
Change 592474 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm; owner: Urbanecm):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] WIP: Allow multiple mentees in Special:ClaimMentee
Change 592474 abandoned by Urbanecm:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] WIP: Allow multiple mentees in Special:ClaimMentee
Change 637014 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm; owner: Urbanecm):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Allow multiple mentees in Special:ClaimMentee
Change 637014 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Allow multiple mentees in Special:ClaimMentee
Moving to PM review
Checked in betalabs -
- works as expected - a mentor can claim several mentees
- GrowthExperiments log (Special:Log) will record re-assigning mentees events correctly
- Special:RecentChanges display re-assigning mentees as logged events
- checked crossbrowser testing and checked for users' names with diacritical marks and in RTL script.
@Urbanecm - no issues are found, but please review my notes.
(0) betalabs Speciální:Převzít_nováčka gives my test users Permission warning (my test user is Autoconfirmed users, Administrators group). I don't see the same problem on enwiki betalabs
(1) The field is not marked as Required in betalabs
testwiki Special:ClaimMentee | betalabs Special:ClaimMentee |
(2) Attempting to assign the same mentor - the steps might be confusing for some users.
- On Special:ClaimMentee I enter two users - one I am already a mentor (ET2), and another I am not a mentor (ET207).
- click Submit
- click in the check box: "Yes, I really want to change the mentor" - click Submit
- at this point a user may be confused. There was no instructions to remove ET2 user and only then to re-submit. In fact, until ET2 will be removed, all other users won't be assigned a new mentor.
Adding some additional instructions to remove the users that are already mentees of the acting mentor will be helpful.
Hello @Etonkovidova!
Thanks for your notes!
(0) Thanks for noticing this. This is a valid issue, caused by the fact there was no manual list created, but it was defined in the configuration (as wgGEHomepageManualAssignmentMentorsList). Since only cswiki beta had that variable set to a page, it only happened at cswiki. I created the list (, and it works as intended now (well, at least AFAICS). That has a patch pending at T245639#6591837.
(1) Interesting. The field is marked as required in the code, but it doesn't apparently show with the star icon. However, submitting an empty form says "This field is required", as intended. @Tgr @Catrope Do you have any idea how to fix that?
(2) Good note. I filled T267167: Improve SpecialClaimMentee's error message when one or more mentees cannot be claimed as a follow-up, to be fixed later.
@Urbanecm @Etonkovidova -- thank you for working on this. @RHo and I think we want to talk more about this feature before merging it because we have some design thoughts on it. We have to back-burner it for the time being and we will revisit. If it is already planned for an upcoming train, could you please remove it?
It actually was already train deployed to test wikis, and will be deployed
on Monday (sic!) to Wikipedias. The only thing we can do is to backport a
I'd personally prefer the feature staying, and I can do any fixes ASAP, but
if you can be reverted anyway.
I'm curious about your concerns through :-).
Martin, I let you updating the documentation and also adding a line about it in the next newsletter about this tool. Thanks!