Author: alpeterson
I finally got a good idea of how to reduce the number of redirects, and annoying
piped links... and start the transitioning to case-preserving case-insensitive
a "unique" boolean column / field, added to the table that lists the wiki pages.
If the list has the tag "unique", that is it, stop the mysql query, and output
that result.
If it does not have the tag unique.. then, keep searching for potential pages to
Basically, have a flag for uniquely spelled pages, and this unique flag can be
turned on initially in english only named pages.. as not to interfere with
UTF8 named pages.
This would reduce the editing time substantially on pages, and would allow, a,
probably loved, so I hate to bash it, awkward convention of capitalizing the
first letter of a WikiName
I am hoping to join the coding effort, I need to learn a bunch of stuff first,
but I really hope to get this feature... at least on my lesser wiki where
performance isn't a problem.. yet... -AP
Maybe mysql doesn't support this? maybe postgres? does? the combining of two
queries into one, where if one is met, the other halts... because this could
result in a performance increase of up to 1/2 for the database end of things
(assuming checking a boolean is cheap, and checking the filename is expensive)
anyway, when sombody writes a new page of a name that is already there, the
database has to be queried to see if anybody has edited that page in the mean
time.. that same querry could return "did you mean to edit this page with the
same spelling but different capitalization? if the person says no, the unique
flag is removed from that page, and then the querry must continue on to check
for all instances of a certain page...
(I was told that the mysql querry is already case-insensitive.. which doesn't
make sence to me.. that selecting of the right page is done in php with the
list of results returned by the querry when loading a page??? I might have
been mistaken, the search.. makes sence to be case insensitive, and the person
was probably thinking that that was what I was talking about)
anyway, case-insensitive could have other advantages for the database.. (I'm
theorising, I'm not a database designer... so .. this is why I wanted to post
this idea on the wiki counterpart to this page.. but.. [[m:case sensitivity]]
isn't something I feel like typing into my browser.
Bah, the page names are probably all cached niftilly...
anyway, I am constantly annoyed by miscapitalizations and rarely correct
compromises... i really hope that my musings have resulted in some usefull
ideas for this system.
-AP (my email address is changing soon)
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement