After all 86 new servers (mw2[291-2377].codfw.wmnet) have been racked in T241852 by dcops, this is where serviceops takes over and does the steps to move them into production until they are actually pooled and serve traffic.
We want a separate ticket because different people are doing it and otherwise tickets stay open on the dcops workboard even though their part is done.
15 servers are blocked by T247018
mw2291 through mw2324 are npooled and status active in netbox (34 servers)
mw2325 through mw2334 are pooled and status active in netbox (10 servers)
mw2335 through mw2349 are not pooled, not in site.pp and status planned in netbox (15 servers) (blocked by T247018)
mw2350 through mw2376 are pooled, in site.pp and and status active in netbox ((27 servers) (
total: 86 servers