As part of the Mobile editor for Section translation (T243495), a quick tutorial is shown the first time users access the mobile editor.
View this step in prototype for a general overview.
General concept
A two-step tutorial is shown the first time the user access the mobile editor. The purpose is to communicate two main concepts to the user about the process of translation: improving the initial MT and working section-by-section. Communicating each idea visually and with short and to-the-point messages.
Overview | Navigation |
- The quick tutorial will be shown the first time the user access the translation editor. Once it is completed it won't be shown again. Global preferences may be used to make sure that the tutorial is not shown multiple times for users that translate to different wikis.
- We may want to support a way to access the tutorial again for testing purposes (through url parameter, documenting the instructions to reset this property, or some other mechanism)
Tutorial step
Both steps of the quick tutorial have a similar structure.
Step one
Translating a new section is easy, quick and fun!
For each sentence, you’ll get a initial automatic translation for you to review and improve.
Step two
Expand the knowledge one section at a time.
Publish when you are ready. Your translation will be added to the page, and you can pick another section next!
[ Start translating ]