This task will track down the redesign of 1 rack in codfw. The goal is to be able to standardize the cables ( power, network) management devices to use .
Which rack to use?
It will be good practice to use a full rack. we have the option to use rack B3 or rack C3. I will leave this to the service owner to decide which one will be ideal since we will have to depool all servers in that rack.
Which rack?
What Device to move?
- move the msw from U23 to U24
- move cable management for U24 to U23
- Replace old mgmt switch with new one.
What else?
- Servers will now have colored power cords: the first power supply connected to PDU 1 will have blue power cord and the second power supply connected to PDU2 will have red power cord.
- mgmt cables are replaced from 5ft and 7ft to 4ft and 6ft same for the production cables
- - Replacing the existing horizontal cable management with another type
- - Putting in a new Vertical cable manangement
- - Putting in new PDU's
What date?
June 9th or June 11th and the two options need to confirm with service owner
What time?
9:30am to 12pm CT
Service owner:
Manuel for db2113 : OK
Daniel for mw servers: OK
Alex for thumbor servers: OK