When you include an extension within an indented comment, indentation syntax (e.g. : or *) will get prepended to each line in the comment.
This diff [1] demonstrates this issue; notice the :::: at the beginning of each line.
This task is about adding support for extensions (e.g. <syntaxhighlight>, <math> or a core tag like <gallery>) within indented comments before T246960 is resolved.
- Go to a talk page where the reply tool is enabled (e.g.https://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Talk:Cats)
- Click any "Reply" link
- Enter the following into the source comment area:
foo <syntaxhighlight> bar baz </syntaxhighlight> quux
Actual behavior
- ⚠️ Notice the following appears in the preview/is posted:
:bar :baz :
quux ~~~~
Expected behavior
- ✅ Notice the following appears in the preview/is posted:
bar baz
quux ~~~~
- Expected behavior is implemented
- Confirm with @DannyS712 that the use case they described in T264520 (closed as a duplicate of this task) is working as expected ---