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Re-engineering not actual calls to WikiPage
Open, LowPublic3 Estimated Story Points



I found WikiPage methods that used only with deprecated logic, while I was working with

I recommend:

  • to research the usage of these methods
  • to reengineering calls with actual logic
  • to hard deprecate these methods
  • to remove these methods in 1.36


  • to improve WikiPage/Article
  • to minimize public methods and codebase of these classes

Methods for reengenering:

  • \WikiPage::lockAndGetLatest - Has only one external usage PageUpdater::doModify with todo to replace
  • \WikiPage::getUndoContent - Internal logic is deprecated with note: use RevisionSlotsUpdate instead
  • \WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit - deprecated since 1.32, use getDerivedDataUpdater instead.