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Create Shan Wiktionary
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The language committee has approved the creation of Shan Wiktionary.

Thank you.

Pre-install automatic checklist:

The Wiki is ready to be created.

Post install automatic checklist:

Step by step commands:
On deploy1001:
cd /srv/mediawiki-staging/
git fetch
git log -p HEAD..@{u}
git rebase
On mwmaint1002:
scap pull
mwscript extensions/WikimediaMaintenance/addWiki.php --wiki=aawiktionary shn wiktionary shnwiktionary
On deploy1001:
scap sync-file dblists "Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)"
scap sync-wikiversions "Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)"
scap sync-file wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php "Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)"
scap sync-file static/images/project-logos/ "Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)"
scap sync-file langlist "Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)"
scap update-interwiki-cache

End of automatic output

Event Timeline

Change 597109 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jon Harald Søby; owner: Jon Harald Søby):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages@master] Add Shan Wiktionary

Change 597109 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages@master] Add Shan Wiktionary

Change 597132 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jon Harald Søby; owner: Jon Harald Søby):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Initial config for shnwiktionary

What is delaying the creation of this wiki?

What is delaying the creation of this wiki?

Someone to do it, I do it later today (sorry for the delay)

Change 597132 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Initial config for shnwiktionary

Change 607040 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; owner: Ladsgroup):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add shnwiktionary to wikiversions.json

Change 607040 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add shnwiktionary to wikiversions.json

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T14:36:18Z] <ladsgroup@deploy1001> Synchronized dblists: Creating shnwiktionary (T253029) (duration: 00m 58s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T14:37:54Z] <ladsgroup@deploy1001> rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: Creating shnwiktionary (T253029)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T14:40:05Z] <ladsgroup@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Creating shnwiktionary (T253029) (duration: 00m 56s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-22T14:41:09Z] <ladsgroup@deploy1001> Synchronized static/images/project-logos/: Creating shnwiktionary (T253029) (duration: 00m 56s)

Ladsgroup claimed this task.

The wiki is accessible now, we should make subtickets for the four post-install bits (REST, Analytis, pywikibot, wikidata).

@MF-Warburg Sorry again for the delay. Please ping in the ticket if process of creating wiki is stalled and the automatic checks says the wiki is ready to be created.

I've just created the subtasks by copying off the ones for gomwiktionary

@MF-Warburg Sorry again for the delay. Please ping in the ticket if process of creating wiki is stalled and the automatic checks says the wiki is ready to be created.

Ok & thank you!

@Ladsgroup the subtasks should probably be done now as it's been over 2 weeks since the wiki was created

@Ladsgroup the subtasks should probably be done now as it's been over 2 weeks since the wiki was created

the cloud replication is not done yet and I don't think it should be assigned to me. Same goes for others. Let me fix that.

the cloud replication is not done yet and I don't think it should be assigned to me. Same goes for others. Let me fix that.

Oh ok. I accidentally assigned them all to you