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Figure out storing images for PAWS
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The setup seems to integrate well with the workflow established in PAWS. If we keep that, this ticket is to figure out any access concerns or if we can easily manually set some tags there in order to deploy this in the new cluster.

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The current images are in I can give access to users there, or we can move to a different registry.

@Chicocvenancio What are the terms on that registry? Is it free? It looks like somebody is paying for it.
Overall, it looks like a good place to keep things, and I'd like access. I just don't want to inadvertently cost someone money if that's charging someone other than the Foundation. I also don't want someone to stop paying for it suddenly if we continue depending on it :)

Bstorm moved this task from Inbox to Doing on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

I made a user, but I still definitely am interested in the answers to those questions.


Can I use Quay for free?

Yes! We offer unlimited storage and serving of public repositories. We strongly believe in the open source community and will do what we can to help!

Thank you for doing more than my web drive-by, @bd808! @Chicocvenancio please give me access!
Then I can push up my custom tags for testing in the new cluster. 💃

@aborrero I presume you'll want access as well?

Bstorm claimed this task.

Got it! I'll close the task since I can then add others if needed. Thank you very much!

@aborrero I presume you'll want access as well?

I guess so, at some point? I'm not yet at the stage of needing it anyway.