Project Information
- Name of tool/project: WikimediaApiPortalOAuth
- Project home page:
- Name of team requesting review: Platform Engineering
- Primary contact: @CCicalese_WMF @WDoranWMF
- Target date for deployment: October 19th
- Link to code repository / patchset:
Description of the tool/project:
We are developing a publicly accessible API portal. The work is described by the API Gateway documentation plan.
As part of this project we will be launching a new wiki on which we plan to use the WikimediaApiPortalOAuth extension.
The WikimediaApiPortalOAuth extension is designed to connect the API Portal with the OAuth server on Meta-Wiki. It provides a user interface to create and manage OAuth 2.0 clients.
To create and manage OAuth 2.0 clients, use the Special:AppManagement page. The extension supports creating two types of OAuth 2.0 clients:
- owner-only clients
- clients with authorization code, client credentials, and refresh token grant types
Has this project been reviewed before?
Working test environment
Local env setup is described in the docs sections on Installation, Configuration and Usage
The extension is also available on the Beta API Portal Wiki
@apaskulin can facilitate account creation if need.
Platform Engineering will own the extension.