Creation of this task was triggered by an icinga alert:
/{domain}/v1/page/most-read/{year}/{month}/{day} (retrieve the most read articles for January 1, 2016) is CRITICAL: Test retrieve the most read articles for January 1, 2016 returned the unexpected status 429 (expecting: 200): /{domain}/v1/page/most-read/{year}/{month}/{day} (retrieve the most-read articles for January 1, 2016 (with aggregated=true)) is CRITICAL: Test retrieve the most-read articles for January 1, 2016 (with aggregated=true) returned the unexpected status 429 (expecting: 200)
429 is the HTTP status code for rate limiting.
Looking more into it and more specifically
it's obvious that usage of the service has increased 3x. This isn't a specific endpoint either. Judging from[1] and the image pasted below
it's 5 distinct endpoints that are receiving anything between 5 and 10 times more traffic.This extra traffic is violating the services stated SLOs[2], both for Traffic as well the Latency signals (Errors are violating the SLO, but way way less so) so I am guessing it's not expected.