cp5006 had multiple service warnings plus SSH flapping starting June 26 ~04:00 UTC
login to mgmt console not possible as well
cp5006 had multiple service warnings plus SSH flapping starting June 26 ~04:00 UTC
login to mgmt console not possible as well
Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-26T07:44:12Z] <volans> force rebooted cp5006 that is unresponsive (after having depooled it) - T256449
Host is back up, the console output during boot was all borked ��fx怘�怘�xx��x�x.... but the kernel boot logs were normally readable. Maybe there is some misconfiguration in the console redirection?
Nothing in syslog since 04:40:01 this morning.
Unrelated, during boot there is a rather spammy log repeated tons of times:
Jun 26 07:46:14 cp5006 atsmtail-backend[1136]: 2020/06/26 07:46:14 Unable to read from socket: dial unix /var/run/trafficserver/notpurge.sock: connect: no such file or directory
$ grep -c ' Unable to read from socket: dial unix' syslog 20659
Might be worth investigating.
Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-26T10:24:00Z] <ema> pool 5006 T256449