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Start a new discussion" in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Hello, clicking on "Start a new discussion" at the top of Chat room does not work anymore (the link is not clickable anymore). It looks like the problem comes from the use of "#SUBTITLE"

Event Timeline

Pamputt changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".Oct 6 2020, 7:07 PM
Pamputt renamed this task from "Start a new discussion" in Chat room ot working anymore to "Start a new discussion" in Chat room not working anymore.Nov 1 2020, 1:38 PM

In fact, clicking on any link (links from a sub-page to its main page, buttons...) in the headers (in blue) does not work.

WikiLucas00 renamed this task from "Start a new discussion" in Chat room not working anymore to "Start a new discussion" in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working anymore.Nov 15 2020, 10:13 PM

A workaround has been found by @Yug (see the git-hub discussion).
He added the piece of code to the MediaWiki:Common.css page on LiLi as a temporary solution.

Yug claimed this task.

I just checked to be sure. "Start a new discussion" button now works everywhere.

Let's close this issue.

Yug renamed this task from "Start a new discussion" in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working anymore to "Start a new discussion" button in header not working.Feb 16 2021, 8:10 PM

@Yug In my opinion, the issue shouldn't be closed until the actual code is fixed (even if we identified the problem and found a workaround). The piece of code that you added in MediaWiki:Common.css is temporary (waiting for the actual code to be updated), isn't it?

Edit: I'll change the title for the former one, because the problem was concerning not only the "Start a new discussion button" but every pointer event on the texts contained in blue banners (including description, page names, and breadcrumbs)

WikiLucas00 renamed this task from "Start a new discussion" button in header not working to Start a new discussion" in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working.Feb 16 2021, 10:49 PM

Agreed with @WikiLucas00, let us wait the fix be deployed in the actual code (not only in MediaWiki:Common.css).

@WikiLucas00, @Pamputt : this task title is "Start a new discussion in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working". website does not presents the bug anymore : the mentioned bug has been fixed and resolved. This task title has been answered.

It now moves to code implementation, aka Github :

Planned steps on github:

  • CSS code review
  • Check side effects, refactor css, git push
  • Deployment by Michael on Wikimedia server.

This task, "Start a new discussion" in Chat room (and any link in any header) not working" can be close so I may focus on the next steps and not be dragged back managing upstream tasks. Our volunteer cognitive resources should now move on following steps. The ball has rolled to next step. Keeping open a zombie tasks is counter productive.