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Wikisource ebook export research: Formatting and templates
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Wikisources have different practices and policies around how they transcribe texts and how they create main pages for books. Some of these best practices are documents and some aren’t. The best practices aren’t always followed, and specific works could choose to adopt specific styles. At other places there aren’t any best practices in place and the communities are either looking at other wikis or doing work ad-hoc.

Formatting when transcribing

LanguageFacsimilesLine breaksParagraph indentationsParagraph gapPoemsFootnotesSidenotesColumns
EnglishOne blank lineSpacing to be maintainedTranscribed, but not shown per page❌(Can't be transcribed exactly)
Bengali?Uses {{gap}}One blank lineSpacing to be maintanied??Use {{TwoColumns}}/{{দুই কলাম}}. Only for proofread page, not transcluded?
French?One blank lineSpacing to be maintainedTranscribed, but not shown per pageUse {{Notedemarge}}Use {{DeuxCollones}}
Punjabi?Uses {{gap}}One blank lineSpacing to be maintained
Kannada??Uses {{gap}} or inline CSSOne blank line or </br>

❌ = Not to be transcribed

Book main pages

LanguageFrontmatter transcludedHeaderMetadataToCCases where there is no ToCCover
English✅(header template)✅(license, category, portal etc)✅(TOC begin / TOC row)✅(AuxTOC)🤷🏽‍♂️(noted in Index but not used)
Bengali✅(header template)✅(license and category)✅(TOC begin / TOC row)✅(AuxTOC)🤷🏽‍♂️(noted in Index but not used)
FrenchContents of the main page (Title, Colophon, TOC etc.) are indicated on the Index page itself. (check sections “Sommaire” and “Epigraphe” on the Index data config page) (check example)✅(header template)✅(category)✅(Table / DcToc)🤷🏽‍♂️The cover page is noted in the Index template and is sometimes used on the transcluded book main page. (check example).The cover is downloaded as a part of the work while using WSExport.
Punjabi✅(header template)✅(license, category, portal etc)✅(TOC begin / TOC row)✅(AuxTOC)
Kannada✅(header template)

Details and reference in the document

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