Project Information
- Name of tool/project: OAuthRateLimiter
- Project home page:
- Name of team requesting review: Platform Engineering
- Primary contact: @Pchelolo, @Clarakosi
- Target date for deployment: August 31st
- Link to code repository / patchset:
Description of the tool/project:
The extension holds a single database table with a mapping from OAuth client ID to the rate limit tier. The rate limits for different tiers are statically configured in mediawiki-config. The tiers are assigned to the clients via a maintenance script. Dynamic tiers and UI for tier management might be implemented later if needed.
The ratelimit claims for the client is supplied to the OAuth extension via a new hook. The OAuth extension adds the claims to the access token JWT as private claims, which is then used by the envoy API Gateway to supply to the ratelimit service.
Currently the code depends on the fork of the oauth2-server library, that includes a single pull request which adds support for private claims. We're working with upstream to get the pull request accepted in the upstream library, and the need for the fork will eventually disappear.
Description of how the tool will be used at WMF:
We are developing an API Portal/Gateway. The work is described by the API Gateway initiative.
As part of this project, we plan to use the extension, OAuthRateLimiter, to add ratelimiter information to the OAuth token.
- mediawiki-extensions-OAuth
- Wikimedia/oauth2-server
Has this project been reviewed before?
Working test environment
- Download both OAuth and OAuthRateLimiter to extensions/ folder
- Checkout 613282 into OAuthRateLimiter
- Checkout 610335 into OAuth
- Run composer update to bring in fork of league/oauth2-server
- Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'OAuth' ); wfLoadExtension( 'OAuthRateLimiter' );
- Run the update script which will automatically create the necessary database tables that these extensions needs.
- Generate public and private keys
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key
- Configure user rights & general params:
// OAuth requires emails to be authenticated, this automatically authenticates an email added to user preference $wgEmailAuthentication = false; // Rights to add/update a consumer $wgGroupPermissions['*']['mwoauthproposeconsumer'] = true; $wgGroupPermissions['*']['mwoauthupdateownconsumer'] = true; // location of private & public key $wgOAuth2PrivateKey = "/var/www/mediawiki/extensions/OAuth/private.key"; $wgOAuth2PublicKey = "/var/www/mediawiki/extensions/OAuth/public.key"; // OAuthRatelimiter configs $wgOAuthRateLimiterDefaultClientTier = 'default'; $wgOAuthRateLimiterTierConfig = [ 'default' => [ 'ratelimit' => [ 'request_per_unit' => 1000, 'unit' => 'sec' ] ], 'Tier 1' => [ 'ratelimit' => [ 'request_per_unit' => 10000, 'unit' => 'sec' ] ] ];
- Follow OAuth registration steps to register an OAuth application. Make sure to choose OAuth 2.0 for OAuth protocol version and to save your consumer and private token for the next steps.
- Follow OAuth 2.0 authorization steps to authorize the client and get an access_token. Note: requests to /oauth2/access_token must be a POST.
- Use a website like to decode the access_token. You should see the default rate limit information from $wgOAuthRateLimiterTierConfig
- To change a user’s client tier use the maintenance script: php setClientTierName.php --client=<your_client_id> --tier="Tier 1"
- To see the updated ratelimit in the access_token, you’ll need to rerun steps 10-11
Platform Engineering will own the extension.