@JKatzWMF noticed a drastic drop in unique users and image tag events as of ~2020-07-02 from ~50 to >5 users. I'm checking other user activity but this jumps out as most problematic, will update if other drops show up. Query for session and source counts across all editor activity looks normal.
See comparison All Users vs Image Tag Users here
Incidentally when querying for all data more single 'future' events are showing up 2020-07-21, 2020-07-22 -2020-08-15, most likely the same user with faulty date on device(?)
Steps to reproduce
Queries for data:
Image tags
SELECT DATE(SUBSTRING(event.client_dt,1,10)) as date, count(distinct event.app_install_id) as users, count(distinct event.session_token) as tokens, count(event.session_token) as tags from event.mobilewikiappedit where event.source = '#suggestededit-imgtag-custom 1.0' AND YEAR = 2020 AND MONTH >= 5 AND day >= 1 group by DATE(SUBSTRING(event.client_dt,1,10))
All Users
SELECT DATE(SUBSTRING(event.client_dt,1,10)) as date, count(distinct event.app_install_id) as users, count(distinct event.session_token) as tokens, count(event.session_token) as sessions from event.mobilewikiappedit where YEAR = 2020 AND MONTH >= 5 AND day >= 1 group by DATE(SUBSTRING(event.client_dt,1,10))