Sonar cloud will no longer run with Java 8 in October 2020, details here:
We need to update the Sonar to run in Java 11 but there is no Java 11 image currently in the Config images.
Notes from IRC:
- The ci images comes from releng/java8 which comes from releng/ci-stretch
- There is no Java 11 available for stretch, so we need to bump up to buster
- We should rename the Java 8 CI image to Maven (suggested by @JAllemandou)
- And rename the java8-sonar-scanner to sonar-scanner and it should inherit from releng/maven from above
To support each of Java 8 and Java 11 we can either:
- Have a single Buster image that has Java 11 (from Debian) and Java8 (from component/jdk8). The JAVA_HOME env variable can be used to switch between Java versions.
- One would need to specific the proper JAVA_HOME somehow.
- Cause the images to be rather large (two jdk installed)
- A common maven image that has sh entry point and then child images for each of java 11 and java 8
- A user or the CI job then decide which java version to use based on the image name (example: maven-jdk8, maven-jdk11)