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[API Gateway] Product Manager reads Active OAuth Client ID metrics
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"As a Product Manager, I want to know how many OAuth Client IDs have been active during a particular period, so I can see if our efforts have had positive or negative effects."

This is to count active client IDs. It's related to T251812. The typical metrics are daily, weekly, and monthly active apps; that is, how many apps have had at least one API call in the last day, 7 days, 30 days.

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Pchelolo subscribed.

This we can't get from mysql obviously. I can make you a query for turnillo once T261002 is done.

eprodromou moved this task from Blocked to Doing on the Platform Team Workboards (Green) board.

After talking with @millimetric I think I can do this report with superset.

Aklapper renamed this task from Product Manager reads Active OAuth Client ID metrics to [API Gateway] Product Manager reads Active OAuth Client ID metrics.Apr 1 2024, 8:10 AM
Aklapper removed subscribers: Pchelolo, eprodromou.

As API Gateway is nowadays owned by serviceops, adding the serviceops project tag to open API Gateway tasks tagged with the deprecated/archived "Platform Team Initiatives (API Gateway)" tag at, as part of Phabricator Housekeeping.