As a Watchlist Expiry user, I want to be able to determine the days left of a temporarily watched item when viewing my watchlist, so I can determine if any relevant changes to the watch period should be made.
Background: This work is for the Advanced Mobile Contributions feature. To turn advanced mode on, go to your settings page on the mobile site and select "Advanced mode". There are 3 potential solutions, which are:
- Solution 1: Replace the clock icon with "XX days left"
- Solution 2: If the user clicks on the clock icon, they are redirected to the relevant item in Special:EditWatchlist
- Solution 3: If the user clicks on the clock icon, they see "(XX days left)"
For this ticket, we will start by trying to implement solution 3. Note that this ticket is high priority, but it does not need to be finished before the first release (scheduled for the week of September 14th).
Acceptance Criteria:
- If the user is in the mobile watchlist (advanced mode), and they click, on the clock icon, they should see "(XX days left)"
- The text should be directly to the right of the clock icon
- The text should be in light grey
- The clock can remain in place
Visual Examples:
Current behavior of mobile, advanced mode:
Mockup of days left displayed in mobile advanced mode:
Note: this is an earlier version that doesn't include clock icon, but can give you a general idea