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iOS 14 long-pressing back button: Design improvements
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  • Exclude “search” from that stack (in same way we do in current navigation) - First article tapped from search includes search in the stack, next article removes search
  • If easy, add in (SF Symbol?) icons for search/articles/etc. to start of string

Event Timeline

As for number 2 - would have to be unicode (including emojis), not SF Symbol. SF Symbol reads in as an image, and we can just use strings here.

Regarding the first bullet -

While we remove unneeded SearchControllers via the Navigation Controller's delegate (in navigationController didShowViewController), we rebuild the navigation items in the View Controller's viewWillAppear. The problem is that the latter function is firing before the former, so we're building the nav item stack before we prune out Search VCs. (That means that with one more tap into another article, the SearchVC no longer appears in the nav item - removing search VCs from the long-press back menu is off by one.)

Moving the nav controller work into navigationController willShowViewController doesn't make it fire first.

Order of operations:
VC willAppear
Nav willShow
VC didAppeaer
Nav didShow

Need a little refactor here to make this work.

Talked w/ @cmadeo - We're not going to add icons (per second bullet), as the emojis looked too unrefined.

Screenshot 77.png (1×770 px, 744 KB)
Screenshot 78.png (1×780 px, 739 KB)