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Investigate the Core Platform's new Search API or Search widget
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This is in order to see how this could fit into our Search.

A first question is how to replace the main Search widget with something that supports search over labels of ZObjects (similar to what Wikidata does).

Our requirements:

The hierarchy isn't complex, but there is a Z1/Any type, which acts like a placeholder, so to give a complex example, if the type is

Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8([Z11], Z22))

this should also be captured by

Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8([Z11], *))
Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8([*], Z22))
Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8([*], *))
Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8(*, Z22))
Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], Z8(*, *))
Z8([Z40, Z10(Z6)], *)
Z8([Z40, Z10(*)], Z8([Z11], Z22))
Z8([Z40, *], Z8([Z11], Z22))
Z8([*, Z10(Z6)], Z8([Z11], Z22))
Z8([*, *], Z8([Z11], Z22))
Z8(*, Z8([Z11], Z22))
Z8(*, *)

and some more (I didn't make the whole list). It seems that hierarchical facets could capture that.