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Automatic PR creation from the twn branch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm a project liaison at We've recently added a feature that allows translatewiki to open a pull request (PR).

Currently we submit translations to the twn branch but do not create a PR to the main development branch.

We would like to change the configuration for Wikipedia Android App on our end, to enable this feature. This will help bring visibility to the submitted translations, and trigger any CI processes, if present. If a PR is already open, the existing PR will be re-used rather than creating a a new PR.

This will not require any code changes on your end, but you will have to review, approve and merge the PRs. Similar to what's happening here: but done automatically.

Event Timeline

I'm going to go ahead and submit a PR to do this.

Change 631416 had a related patch set uploaded (by Abijeet Patro; owner: Abijeet Patro):
[translatewiki@master] Add automatic PR creation for wikipedia-android project

Change 631416 merged by jenkins-bot:
[translatewiki@master] Add automatic PR creation for wikipedia-android project

Related patch has been merged, to check during next export.