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Cosmos skin: Refactor CosmosToolbar and CosmosNavigation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Redundant checks

The following methods getCode() and getMenuLines() (defined in both classes) have redundant checks per variable scope.

The $menu variable is a local variable within the method (not a parameter), and will always be considered null first, and then assigned $this->getMenu($this->getMenuLines()). This basically goes the same way with the local $lines variable defined in getMenuLines().


	public function getCode() {
		if (empty($menu)) {
			$menu = $this->getMenu($this->getMenuLines());
		return $menu;

	public function getMenuLines() {
		if (empty($lines)) {
			$lines = self::getMessageAsArray('Cosmos-navigation');
		return $lines;


	public function getCode() {
		return $this->getMenu($this->getMenuLines());

	public function getMenuLines() {
		return self::getMessageAsArray('Cosmos-navigation');

Duplicated classes

These classes *mostly* do the same thing. This should be refactored. The differences:

  • CosmsoNavigation defines an extra method at CosmosNavigation::getSubMenu()
  • CosmosToolbar uses Cosmos-toolbar as an i18n message, while CosmosNavigation uses Cosmos-navigation
  • CosmosToolbar registers the getCosmosToolbar hook, while CosmosNavigation registers getCosmosNavigation as a hook
  • CosmosNavigation generates a bit more HTML
diff --git a/includes/CosmosToolbar.php b/includes/CosmosNavigation.php
index d1ac9d9..8e4572f 100644
--- a/includes/CosmosToolbar.php
+++ b/includes/CosmosNavigation.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * CosmosToolbar class
+ * CosmosNavigation class
  * @package MediaWiki
  * @subpackage Skins
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
-class CosmosToolbar {
+use Cosmos\Icon;
+class CosmosNavigation {
         * Parse one line from MediaWiki message to array with indexes 'text' and 'href'
@@ -116,32 +118,84 @@ class CosmosToolbar {
        public function getMenuLines() {
                if (empty($lines)) {
-                       $lines = self::getMessageAsArray('Cosmos-toolbar');
+                       $lines = self::getMessageAsArray('Cosmos-navigation');
                return $lines;
+       public function getSubMenu($nodes, $children, $bolded = false) {
+               $menu = '';
+               $val = 0;
+               foreach ($children as $key => $val) {
+                       $link_html = htmlspecialchars($nodes[$val]['text']);
+                       if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                               $link_html .= Icon::getIcon('level-2-dropdown')->makeSvg(12, 12, ['id' => 'wds-icons-menu-control-tiny', 'class' => 'wds-icon wds-icon-tiny wds-dropdown-chevron']);
+                       }
+                       $menu_item = Html::rawElement('a', array(
+                               'href' => !empty($nodes[$val]['href']) ? $nodes[$val]['href'] : '#',
+                               'class' => (!empty($nodes[$val]['children']) ? 'wds-dropdown-level-2__toggle' : null),
+                               'rel' => $nodes[$val]['internal'] ? null : 'nofollow'
+                       ) , $link_html) . "\n";
+                       if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                               $menu_item .= '<div class="wds-is-not-scrollable wds-dropdown-level-2__content" id="p-'. Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute($nodes[$val]['text']) . '" aria-labelledby="p-' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute($nodes[$val]['text']) . '-label">';  
+                               $menu_item .= $this->getSubMenu($nodes, $nodes[$val]['children']);
+                               $menu_item .= '</div>';
+                       }
+                       $menu .= Html::rawElement('li',  array(
+                               'id' => Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute( 'n-' . strtr( $nodes[$val]['text'], ' ', '-' ) ),
+                               'class' => (!empty($nodes[$val]['children']) ? ($key > count($nodes[$val]['children']) - 1 ? 'wds-is-sticked-to-parent ' : '') . 'wds-dropdown-level-2' : false)
+                       ), $menu_item);
+               }
+               $menu = Html::rawElement('div', [], '<ul class="wds-list wds-is-linked' . ($bolded === true ? ' wds-has-bolded-items' : '') . '">' . $menu . '</ul>');
+               return $menu;
+       }
        public function getMenu($lines) {
                $menu = '';
                $nodes = $this->parse($lines);
                if (count($nodes) > 0) {
-                       Hooks::run('getCosmosToolbar', array(&$nodes
-                       ));
+                       Hooks::run('getCosmosNavigation', array(&$nodes));
                        $mainMenu = array();
                        foreach ($nodes[0]['children'] as $key => $val) {
-                               $menu .= '<li id="' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute( 't-' . strtolower(strtr( $nodes[$val]['text'], ' ', '-' ) ) ) . '">';
-                               $menu .= '<a href="' . (!empty($nodes[$val]['href']) ? htmlspecialchars($nodes[$val]['href']) : '#') . '"';
+                               if (isset($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                                       $mainMenu[$val] = $nodes[$val]['children'];
+                               }
+                               $menu .= '<li class="wds-tabs__tab">';
+                               if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                                       $menu .= '<div class="wds-dropdown" id="p-' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute($nodes[$val]['text']) . '" aria-labelledby="p-' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute($nodes[$val]['text']) . '-label">';
+                               }
+                               $menu .= '<div class="wds-tabs__tab-label ';
+                               if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                                       $menu .= ' wds-dropdown__toggle';
+                               }
+                               $menu .= '" id="p-' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute($nodes[$val]['text']) . '-label">';
+                               $menu .= '<a href="' . (!empty($nodes[$val]['href']) && $nodes[$val]['text'] !== 'Navigation' && $nodes[$val]['text'] !== wfMessage('cosmos-explore')->text() ? htmlspecialchars($nodes[$val]['href']) : '#') . '"';
                                if (!isset($nodes[$val]['internal']) || !$nodes[$val]['internal']) $menu .= ' rel="nofollow"';
-                               $menu .= '><span>' . htmlspecialchars($nodes[$val]['text']) . '</span>';
-                               $menu .= '</a>';
+                               $menu .= '>' . ($nodes[$val]['text'] === wfMessage('cosmos-explore')->text() ? Icon::getIcon('explore')->makeSvg(91, 91, ['id' => 'cosmos-icons-explore', 'class' => 'wds-icon']) : '') . '<span ' . ($nodes[$val]['text'] === wfMessage('cosmos-explore')->text() ? 'style="padding-top: 2px;"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($nodes[$val]['text']) . '</span>';
+                               if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                                       $menu .= Icon::getIcon('dropdown')->makeSvg(14, 14, ['id' => 'wds-icons-dropdown-tiny', 'class' => 'wds-icon wds-icon-tiny wds-dropdown__toggle-chevron']);
+                               }
+                               $menu .= '</a></div>';
+                               if (!empty($nodes[$val]['children'])) {
+                                       $menu .= '<div class="wds-is-not-scrollable wds-dropdown__content">';
+                                       $menu .= $this->getSubMenu($nodes, $nodes[$val]['children'], true);
+                                       $menu .= '</div></div>';
+                               }
                        $menu .= '</li>';
+                       $menu = Html::rawElement('li', array(
+                               'class' => 'wds-tabs__tab'
+                       ) , $menu);
                        $menu = preg_replace('/<!--b-->(.*)<!--e-->/U', '', $menu);
                        $menuHash = hash('md5', serialize($nodes));
@@ -159,6 +213,8 @@ class CosmosToolbar {
                        $memc = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();
+                                       $menu .= '<div class="wds-is-not-scrollable wds-dropdown__content">';
+                                       $menu .= $this->getSubMenu($nodes, $nodes[$val]['children'], true);
+                                       $menu .= '</div></div>';
+                               }
                        $menu .= '</li>';
+                       $menu = Html::rawElement('li', array(
+                               'class' => 'wds-tabs__tab'
+                       ) , $menu);
                        $menu = preg_replace('/<!--b-->(.*)<!--e-->/U', '', $menu);
                        $menuHash = hash('md5', serialize($nodes));
@@ -159,6 +213,8 @@ class CosmosToolbar {
                        $memc = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance();

Event Timeline

This should be looked at once PHPCS styling issues are done (T265108) and re-namespacing is done (T265107).

Change 633368 had a related patch set uploaded (by SamanthaNguyen; owner: SamanthaNguyen):
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Some basic code cleanup between CosmosNavigation & CosmosToolbar

While we're at this, I'm currently wondering if CosmosNavigation::parseItem() and CosmosToolbar::parseItem() can be removed safely.
T hey don't seem to be used within the Cosmos source code according to Codesearch

Change 633368 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Some basic code cleanup between CosmosNavigation & CosmosToolbar

Change 634352 had a related patch set uploaded (by SamanthaNguyen; owner: SamanthaNguyen):
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Inject a MessageLocalizer into CosmosNavigation and CosmosToolbar

Change 634352 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Replace most calls to the global wfMessage() function

Change 634264 had a related patch set uploaded (by Universal Omega; owner: Universal Omega):
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Remove unused ParseItem from CosmosNavigation and CosmosToolbar classes

Change 634264 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Remove unused parseItem() function from the CosmosNavigation and CosmosToolbar classes

I think CosmosToolbar can be deleted and later merged with CosmosNavigation. That's probably what I'll do.

Change 656471 had a related patch set uploaded (by Universal Omega; owner: Universal Omega):
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] [Cosmos skin]: Add new experimental config to allow redirects to be followed for user bios; remove deprecated CosmosUseMessageforToolbar config; do other cleanups

Change 656471 merged by Universal Omega:
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] [Cosmos skin]: Add new experimental config to allow redirects to be followed for user bios; remove deprecated CosmosUseMessageforToolbar config; do other cleanups

Universal_Omega claimed this task.
Universal_Omega moved this task from In Progress to Done on the Cosmos board.
Universal_Omega removed a project: Patch-For-Review.