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PCC diff lacks some diff
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I created a patch in T260917 that merges hiera keys with keys from private:

When running PCC on that change, the diff does not show the additional keys test: data and defaultsecret: notdefault for the files zotero/staging.yaml and zotero/private/secrets.yaml.
The change catalog contains the changes and no corresponding warnings or errors where raised.

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Is it possible for yo to link to the pcc job in gerrit?

however i suspect this is due to the fact that both the production and change catalogue run using the same private repo checkout i.e. both runs will use version of the private repo that include the changes linked above

Is it possible for yo to link to the pcc job in gerrit?

Sure. Linked in gerrit and here:

however i suspect this is due to the fact that both the production and change catalogue run using the same private repo checkout i.e. both runs will use version of the private repo that include the changes linked above

Hm, yeah. That would make total sense. Looking at the prod catalog reveals the values are in there as well, so the "diff" is actually right.
Is there something I could have done about that? Somehow pcc'ing with different states of the private repo for prod/change catalog?

Somehow pcc'ing with different states of the private repo for prod/change catalog?

No thats not possible and off the top of my head it wouldn't be that simple to please add a task requesting the feature with the puppet_compiler tag and i can have a look next time i delve into that code or when/if we look to replace it. the best advice [hack] i could give would be to run a pcc, change the values in the private repo and then run another pcc.