Upon successful creating of release packages and testing their correctness, packages should be published so they can be installed and used.
Input for the step:
- artifacts from the previous steps
- version numbers and other metadata relevant for publishing
- "tokens" etc necessary to do the actual publishing
Publishing step includes:
- marking the source code versions released ("tagging" in git vocabulary)
- publishing tarball/zip artifacts to a defined repository (dedicated space on releases.wikimedia.org)
- publishing Docker image artifacts to a defined repository (Dockerhub)
- adding additional metadata ("tags") to published artifacts (if needed)
Acceptance criteria
- Wikibase tarball package can be published to a dedicated space on releases.wikimedia.org
- Mediawiki+Wikibase docker image can be published to wikibase Dockerhub
- Respective branch of Wikibase code repository is tagged with the release label
- Respective Wikibase docker image is tagged with the release label