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cloner.js should not pass multiple nodes to OO.ui.infuse
Closed, ResolvedPublic


cloner.js selects create buttons by class and passes them all to OO.ui.infuse:

This causes problems when there are multiple cloner fields on the page: the data for the first create button overwrites the subsequent create buttons (see T270960 for details).

This caused problems while working on T208687: Convert SecurePoll to use OOUI, since there are multiple create buttons on the CreatePage form.

Event Timeline

If this is related to the OOUI variant of HTMLFormFieldCloner, then T206905: OOUI HTMLFormFieldCloner focusses on the incorrect field when that field has been added by JS might be worth fixing at the same time.

Change 652613 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tchanders; owner: Tchanders):
[mediawiki/core@master] cloner.js: Ensure only one create button is passed to OO.ui.infuse

Change 652613 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] cloner.js: Ensure only one create button is passed to OO.ui.infuse

matmarex assigned this task to Tchanders.
matmarex subscribed.