After the positive results from the initial research about the Section translation concept, we are considering to enable the initial version of the tool in Bengali Wikipedia.
For this to happen we need to complete the following items first:
- Communicate our plans with the Bengali community to gather feedback and identify potential concerns (T271097)
- Complete the security review (T260236)
- Complete development work to clarify the initial scope of the tool by: indicating it is experimental (T270501) and hiding access to elements that are not available yet (T270691)
- Complete development work to support basic entry points: suggestions for articles to expand (T260164) and an invite to translate a new section after publishing one (T260137).
- Update configuration variables (T268430) to support both versions of the dashboard to coexist until they are unified.
Only when the above items are resolved we'll enable the new feature. In addition, content created with the tool will be monitored and feedback from editors will be encouraged after the enablement to identify areas to improve as early a possible.